Black Jack Tongkat Ali

  • Tongkat ali (pasak bumi) with scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, is a flowering plant that is native in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tongkat ali is a treelet that takes about 20 years to mature and grows up to 15 meters in height.
  • Tongkat Ali (known botanically as Eurycoma Longifolia Jack or Long Jack ) is found in the highly lush and virgin tropical rainforests of Malaysia and has been proven to increase the body's production of free testosterone, the crucial male hormone that maintains your sex drive, potency, muscle mass and strength, fat distribution, bone mass.
  • Tongkat ali, or sometimes referred to as 'longjack' or 'pasak bumi', is a prized male tonic particularly famous for its potential libido enhancing influence. The longjack species, Eurycoma longifolia, is a small exotic shrub-like tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia and regions of Indonesia.
  • Other common names by which Tongkat Ali is known include longifolia jack, long jack, longjack, tung saw, Malaysian ginseng and payung ali. Tongkat Ali has traditionally been used to boost male libido but research suggests it can play much more of a role in your health whatever your gender.

Tongkat ali, also known as eurycoma longifolia jack or longjack, is an aphrodisiac with many benefits for sexual health and experiences. The main benefits of tongkat ali are related to enhancing libido, erections, and fertility in men.

Tongkat ali, or sometimes referred to as 'longjack' or 'pasak bumi', is a prized male tonic particularly famous for its potential libido enhancing influence.

The longjack species, Eurycoma longifolia, is a small exotic shrub-like tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia and regions of Indonesia. It is the long deep roots of the plant that have been utilized in traditional folk remedies and now in modern-day powdered extracts for their potent therapeutic value.

Tongkat Ali Extracts as a Tonic for Middle-Aged Men

Sometimes referred to as 'Malaysian ginseng' or 'Malaysian Viagra', it is most popular for use as an aphrodisiac to enhance sexual functions, particularly for middle-aged men experiencing andropause. This is a life phase that is defined by age-related libido decline attributed to lower testosterone levels and its associated symptoms such as reduced physical energy, mental fatigue as well as an increase in body fat.

Tongkat or longjack is, in fact, considered a top male sex tonic and adaptogen often compared above others including cistanche, he shou wu, ginseng, pine pollen, tribulus and cordyceps. When used in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, quality extracts can be a worthy plant-based dietary supplement to experiment with for the management of andropause symptoms.

Our personal two favorite quality brands, tested and proven effective, are Lost Empire Herbs and Dragon Herbs. (See more here.)

Tongkat is found in some research to support a healthy sex drive due to its group of peptides called 'eurypeptides.' In addition, one earlier study on rats, the unique alkaloid compound 9-hydroxycanthin-6-one was shown to 'induce erection and delay ejaculation.' (*)

Other double-blind human research on men between 30-55 years of age, identified that males who were given a daily dose of 300 mg extract of E. longifolia experienced higher scores with overall erectile function, libido, sperm motility, semen quantity as well as a reduction in 'fat mass.'

In yet another double-blind study, on men between the age of 40 to 65, a proprietary freeze-dried water extract of longjack and Polygonum minus, demonstrated that it 'significantly improved sexual performance' after 12 weeks compared to a placebo.

As an adaptogen, it is also found to have a stress-relieving impact. In one study entitled 'Effect of Tongkat Ali on Stress Hormones and Psychological Mood State in Moderately Stressed Subjects', the longjack root extract was shown to have a positive effect on stress hormones, mood and a probable protective influence against chronic daily life stress.

Works to Maintain or Restore Free Testosterone Levels

The roots of Eurycoma longifolia don't necessarily stimulate or boost testosterone production, but rather work to maintain normal hormone levels which, again, can be potentially helpful to middle-aged men around 50 and older.

It has been demonstrated to improve the release of what is referred to as 'free' testosterone from its sex-hormone-binding-globulin, otherwise known as SHBG. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, free T-hormone as well as albumin-bound testosterone are both recognized to be a bioavailable form that is easily utilized by the body. (*)

Usually prepared as a highly concentrated herbal supplement, just a little of tongkat is known to go a long way as far as effectiveness. This is of course however, largely dependent, on one's current state of health and unique constitution.

In one study, seventy-six men with late-onset hypogonadism, a condition which inhibits the production of male testosterone, it was evidenced that tongkat supplementation after a one month period significantly improved 'AMS [aging male symptoms] score as well as serum testosterone concentration.' This was using an extract dose of only 200 mg/day.

It is important when purchasing tongkat ali extracts that you get them from reliable quality sources, preferably one's that test for heavy metal contamination. Unfortunately, there are many 'counterfeit' longjack products and formulas taking advantage of the 'male libido enhancing' supplement market.

Some low-quality brands have been found to be tainted with added ingredients, even synthetic drugs, while others don't contain the actual Eurycoma longifolia species.

It is also important to keep in mind that the roots of tongkat ali need to be prepared appropriately by concentrating a large amount of plant material in order to make them effective. This is commonly achieved by using hot water methods that condensed anywhere from 100-200 pounds of roots to make one pound of condensed extract powder. This is why you may see advertised ratios like 100:1 or 125:1 on product labels.

Top Favorite Tongkat Ali Extracts

Black Jack Tongkat Ali

Lost Empire Herbs - As of 2018, offers a 100:1 powdered and encapsulated extract of wild Eurycoma longifolia roots. They include a 100 mg spoon with each bulk powder so dose level can be regulated accordingly. It is standardized to 34.91% glycosaponins and 54.31% eurypeptides.

Dragon Herbs Tomkat - This is a proprietary formulation that includes a blend of three ingredients, 80% sumatran tongkat ali (125:1 extract), 10% he shou wu and 10% changbai mountain ant powder (rich in zinc). Available in 250 mg capsule form, which if you do the math would be approximately 200 mg tongkat.

Longjack is typically sold as a bulk extract powder, capsules or tablets.

Because powders have a very unpalatable bitter taste they are not suitable for use in blended drinks or elixirs but rather best consumed straight. You can simply mix the extract powder into water and consume, or use tablets or capsules for convenience.

Although many often experience the effects of tongkat ali immediately after 1-2 hours, for optimal therapeutic value as a tonic herb long-term use is considered most beneficial.

Like other hormone-influencing tonics, it is often best to use it in cycles so the body doesn't build up a tolerance. It is often recommended to take 2 days off after every 5 days of use.

The best way to find out if it is suitable for your own unique conditions as well as body chemistry, is to try it for yourself. In some instances, it may also be appropriate to consume tongkat ali in a formula, like Tomkat, rather than as an individual extract.

Usually between a 100-200 mg daily dose is considered to be most effective. It is always best to experiment however with what works best for your individual constitution.


Higher doses may cause possible restlessness, an increase in body temperature and insomnia in some cases. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult the advice of your physician if taking prescription medications, have heart disorders or other serious health conditions.

Shop Related Products (About Affiliates & Amazon Associate Paid Links)

Source Naturals, Tongkat Ali Extract Tablets, 60tabs

Lost Empire Herbs, Tongkat Ali Powder and Capsules, 10g or 60caps

Dragon Herbs TomKat, Tongkat Ali Formulation, 100caps

Hawaii Pharm, Tongkat Ali Liquid Extract, 4oz

Hawaii Pharm, Tongkat Ali Liquid Extract, 2oz

Herbal Island, Tongkat Ali Root Extract, 120caps

Micro Ingredients, Tongkat Ali Powder Extract, 1.76oz-7oz

Herbal Island, Tongkat Ali Extract, 100g

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Medically Reviewed by Dr. BENGEBARA Omar
MD, ER Doctor & Surgery Resident – Reviewed & Approved on June 09, 2019
Written by Marc Seward

I am not sure exactly when it happened but I looked in the mirror one day and realized that I was no longer the virile young man that I thought I would always be. The inevitable effects of aging, one of which is a drop in testosterone levels, can have a huge impact on your body, your sex life, and your confidence levels. There is little we can do to stop the world spinning around the sun but we can try our best to prolong our youthful vigor. Some of the answers can be found in nature.

We have already written about the libido enhancing effects of herbs like ashwagandha and damiana. Tongkat Ali is another herb used to boost the libido. However, as wonderful as that may be, that is not all it can do. Science is now demonstrating that Tongkat Ali can boost testosterone, improve energy and even help you lose some weight. Not only does it benefit men but women can benefit a great deal too. Recent research into its effects is great news for those of us who have entered middle age and beyond. If you are interested to find out more about this amazing herb and how you should use it, please read on.

Tongkat Ali

Otherwise known as Longjack or by its scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat Ali has been used for many years especially for its aphrodisiac and energy boosting qualities. It has qualities that can help both men and women – see the second part of the article for female-specific benefits.

What is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali is an herb which grows predominantly in the jungles of certain South East Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It has several other local names including Pasak Bumi and Tung Saw and is also known by some people as herbal viagra because of its well-known abilities to improve sexual dysfunction.

Locals have long been using this root for its aphrodisiac abilities and also to enhance energy but it is now being used more and more around the world and extracts are readily available to purchase in various shops and online.

As men age, they tend to experience a condition related to reduced testosterone production called andropause which causes a number of serious problems. Conditions linked to andropause include lack of libido, reduced levels of energy, increased body fat and mental fatigue.

As a middle-aged man, I am fully aware of the difficulties that these conditions can cause. It is not fun when you realize that you are not the man that you once were and that many of the things that you took for granted are now more of a struggle.

Testosterone replacement therapy is an option for many men but it is very expensive and also comes with the risk of side effects. This has led men to search for an alternative in nature and Tongkat Ali is one of them. While Tongkat Ali is best known for its masculine benefits, it also has potential to treat several female issues which I will come to later on.

The composition of Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali contains the following active constituents:

  • Quassinoid compounds present in the Simaroubaceae family. The main bioactive compounds include eurycomanone and eurycomanol. 150 different quassinoids can be found within the four Eurycoma species.
  • Eurycolactones
  • Squalene derivatives called teurilene and eurylene
  • Eurypeptides
  • Glycosaponins
  • Canthin-6-one metaboiltes

The Benefits of Tongkat Ali for Men

“Eurycoma longifolia is a medicinal plant commonly called tongkat ali and “Malaysian ginseng.” Tongkat ali roots are a traditional “anti-aging” remedy and modern supplements are intended to improve libido, energy, sports performance and weight loss. Previous studies have shown properly-standardized Tongkat ali to stimulate release of free testosterone, improve sex drive, reduce fatigue, and improve well-being.” (6)

1. Tongkat Ali and Testosterone

The root of Tongkat Ali has been used to increase testosterone levels for a very long time indeed. It contains chemical compounds that studies have repeatedly shown can increase testosterone levels. An increase in testosterone has many beneficial knock-on effects on sexual performance, muscle growth and semen production.

A Malaysian study published in 2012 took 76 men of whom only 35% had testosterone levels in the normal range. Following a month of treatment with Tongkat Ali, this number rose dramatically to above 90%. (1)

2. Tongkat Ali for Male Fertility

There is some evidence that as well as boosting testosterone levels, Tongkat Ali can also improve sperm quality and therefore help treat male fertility issues.

A study published in 2010 observed the changes in sperm quality in 75 men who were given 200mgs of Tongkat Ali each day for three months. Sperm quality improved significantly in these patients and 15% of participants reported spontaneous pregnancies following the treatment. (2)

Black Jack Tongkat Ali Zafar

3. Tongkat Ali for Increased Libido

Tongkat Ali is probably best-known and most used for its aphrodisiac qualities. It has long been used in South East Asia to help deal with low levels of libido and more recently a number of predominantly animal studies have demonstrated that it does have libido enhancing potential.

One of these studies published in 2003 fed older rats and retired breeders with Tongkat Ali for a 10 day period. The rats given the extract demonstrated a significant increase in sexual activity and mounting frequency on female rats. (3)

There are plenty more studies involving animals that have elicited promising results but does Tongkat Ali have the same effect on humans?

There is no scientific evidence for the claims that Tongkat Ali proponents make so apart from the animal research we have to rely on anecdotal evidence and traditional usage.

Certainly, many users have consistently reported that Tongkat Ali was an effective aphrodisiac and its ability to boost testosterone levels would indicate that it may be an effective option. Users have reported a much higher sex drive, longer lasting erections, stronger ejaculation and better sex in general.

4. Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Tongkat Ali is a popular natural supplement among weightlifters and bodybuilders who are looking to change their muscle to fat ratio. However, you don’t need to be a serious athlete to benefit from the potential improvements in body composition that Tongkat Ali can provide.

Because of the increase in testosterone that Tongkat Ali gives you, it can also help you to lose fat and gain lean body mass. This will have an even greater effect if you are exercising regularly.

A promising Malaysian study published in 2002 demonstrated that Tongkat Ali had the potential to improve lean body mass. In this double-blind study, 7 men were given 100 mgs of Tongkat Ali extract each day with the other 7 participants being given a placebo for a 5 week period.

Black Jack Tongkat Ali Mcgraw

The men in the Tongkat Ali group experienced a 5% increase in their lean body mass and a significant reduction in body fat. (4)

5. Bone Health

Low levels of testosterone can increase the chances of developing weak and brittle bones – a condition called osteoporosis. Many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D help to reduce the risk of the disease.

Tongkat Ali’s ability to increase testosterone levels means that it could be an important weapon in the fight against osteoporosis and help maintain bone strength and health.

Tongkat Ali Benefits for Women


While it is best-known for the way it can benefit men’s health, its potential uses for women should not be ignored. Traditionally Tongkat Ali has been used to treat hormonal imbalances in women and to deal with problems like fatigue and mental lethargy.

1. Emotional Support

Recent research has revealed that Tongkat Ali could reduce the body’s production of the stress hormone – cortisol. The study published in 2013 was conducted on 32 male and 31 female volunteers with moderate stress symptoms.

They found that those in the Tongkat Ali group experienced significant improvements in tension, confusion, and anger and concluded that Tongkat Ali may be an effective remedy against modern day stress issues. (5)

Stress is a huge issue in the modern world and one which affects a growing number of people worldwide. The good news here is that Tongkat Ali is far less likely to cause the potential side effects and dependency associated with prescription medications so readily handed out for stress and anxiety.

2. Energy Boost

Ladies…are you feeling tired, drained and fatigued all day? Is it difficult for you to get everything you need done? If so…your body needs a boost from somewhere and Tongkat Ali may have the answer.

When your body is suffering from a hormonal imbalance and is producing insufficient hormones, it can result in fatigue and lethargy. Tongkat Ali is believed to help balance the hormones with the ability to increase energy levels and metabolism.

The increase in energy that you get from this root can help you get through the busy day and may also help improve endurance and exercise performance. This may in turn help to control body weight and improve mood.

3. Weight Control

When your hormones are out of whack, your metabolism is likely to be less effective and this invariably results in weight gain. By balancing the body’s hormones and improving energy levels Tongkat Ali may help reverse the weight gain, keep you looking in shape and feeling better both physically and mentally.

It is also worth noting the study that showed it could improve lean body mass and body composition that was mentioned earlier in the article. Of course, simply taking Tongkat Ali or any other herb will have little or no effect unless it is done as part of a wider weight loss plan involving exercise and diet.

4. Libido Boost

It is not only men that can benefit from the aphrodisiac effects of Tongkat Ali. Regardless of gender, a shot of testosterone can help improve your sexual desire significantly. There is also some anecdotal evidence that Tongkat Ali can increase the sensitivity of the sexual organs in women.

Experts that have observed the libido enhancing ability of Tongkat Ali in rats believe the effects may be replicated in women.

Tongkat Ali Facts

  • Other common names by which Tongkat Ali is known include longifolia jack, long jack, longjack, tung saw, Malaysian ginseng and payung ali.
  • Tongkat Ali has traditionally been used to boost male libido but research suggests it can play much more of a role in your health whatever your gender.
  • As well as being used in the supplementary form, Tongkat Ali is often used as a food or drink additive.
  • The Tongkat Ali plant is a medium-sized shrub that reaches a height of around 10 meters.
  • In some parts of South East Asia, the root is boiled in water and the decoction used for several conditions. As well as being used as an aphrodisiac, it is used to treat jaundice, diarrhea, indigestion, and fever.

How to Take It

  • You should read the manufacturer’s dosage instructions very carefully and not exceed them. It is generally recommended that you start with a low dose to make sure that you respond properly and increase the dose gradually over a period of time.
  • The standard traditional dose of the herb is 1200 to 2400 mg a day which is usually split into 2 to 4 daily doses of 300 to 500 mg.
  • Cycling the dose is also recommended. Bodybuilders typically supplement with Tongkat Ali for between 5 and 8 weeks before taking a break for several weeks. Shorter cycles are usually recommended for people taking the herb to improve sex drive.

Side Effects

  • No severe effects have ever been reported and it is considered to be safe when taken for up to 9 months
  • There is insufficient evidence regarding its safety for pregnant women or nursing mothers so it is best to stay safe and avoid it.
  • Certain mild side effects are possible with insomnia being the most frequently cited.
  • It is possible to protect against any unwanted side effects by starting with small doses of the herb and building up to larger doses gradually over time.
  • Taking your supplement earlier during the day can also reduce the risk of trouble sleeping at night.
  • There have also been reports from bodybuilders that Tongkat Ali taken for the purpose of bodybuilding can cause increased aggression, restlessness and sexual desire all of which are linked rising levels of testosterone.


Black Jack Tongkat Ali Macgraw

  • People with certain preexisting conditions should always consult their doctor before taking any herb and Tongkat Ali is no exception.
  • This includes people being treated for prostate or breast cancer, people with kidney, heart or liver disease and also people with sleep apnea.
  • People with an impaired immune system and those taking immunosuppressants should also avoid taking Tongkat Ali unless they are given the all clear by their doctor.
  • Because they affect blood glucose levels, people with diabetes should also exercise caution.

Final Thoughts

Tongkat Ali has been used traditionally for many years to improve sex drive and energy levels in men. Modern research has demonstrated fairly conclusively that Tongkat Ali is effective for these purposes. However, it is also becoming evident that Tongkat Ali can have a very positive effect on women’s health too. It can add pep to your sex life whatever your gender, it may also help you lose weight while research indicates that it can help get stress under control.

If you feel that age is catching up with you and that you need to add vigor to your life, we think that Tongkat Ali is well worth considering.
